| Apache SOAP (see also AXIS) (Apache project) [Full, Java] 2.3.1, 2001/06/10 |
| AXIS (Apache project) [Full, Java] 1.0, 2002/10/07 |
| TRLSOAP [not available] (IBM Research, Tokyo) [Full, Java] 0.72, 2000/11/24 |
| Web Services Toolkit (IBM, alphaWorks) [Full, Java 1.3, LotusScript] 3.2.2, 2002/08/26 |
| WASP for Java [login required] (Systinet) [Full, Java] 4.0, 2002/10/01 |
| GLUE [registration required] (Graham Glass) [Full, Java] 3.2, 2002/10/08 |
| eSOAP [login required] (Rosimildo da Silva) [Client, Java] 1.0, 2001/10/18 |
| Java XML Pack [login required] (Sun) [Full, Java] summer02_01, 2002/07/31 |
| Java Web Services Developer Pack (WSDP) (Sun) [Full, Java] 1.0_01, 2002/07/31 |
| Web Services Kit for Java (Borland) [Full, Java] ?, ? |
| DevelopMentor SOAP [abandoned] (DevelopMentor) [Full, Java] 0.3, 2000/01/24 |
| XSOAP (aka SoapRMI) (Indiana University) [Full, Java] 1.2, 2001/11/04 |
| jBroker Web [login required] (Novell/SilverStream Software) [Full, Java] 2.0, 2002/06/24 |
| X-Soap Toolkit [not available] (Xwaresoft.com) [Full, Java] 0.9, 2000/09/17 |
| Spheon JSOAP (Florian Muller) [Full, Java] 0.4.1, 2002/06/29 |
| Wingfoot SOAP [registration required] (Wingfoot) [Full, Java/J2ME/J2SE] 1.0, 2002/03/31 |
| ZOAP [not available] (jBoss.org) [Full, Java] ?, ? |
| CapeConnect (Java Web Services) [registration required] (Cape Clear Software) [Full, Java] 2.0, 2001/05/11 |
| HP Web Services Platform [discontinued] (HP) [Full, Java] 2.0.1, ? |
| Bubbles Project [folded into the Wingfoot SOAP] (Vivek Chopra) [Client, Java | PDA | KVM-based] ?, ? |
| kSOAP (Enhydra.org) [Client, Java 2 Micro Edition | PDA | KVM-based] 1.2, 2002/06/06 |
| SoapWiz (SOAP toolkit for JBuilder) [login required] (Stephen Schaub) [Client, Java | JBuilder 4 | Win] 1.0, 2001/03/31 |
| Vitiris Web Services Platform [login required] (Killdara/Interbind) [Full, Java] ?, ? |
| InstantXML [not available] (Tradia) [?, Java] ?, ? |
| SOAP for BEA WebLogic [no official support] (BEA Systems) [Server?, Java? | BEA WebLogic Server] ?, ? |
| XMLBus [registration required] (IONA Technologies) [Full, Java | iPortal AppServer, BEA WebLogic] 5.4, 2002/09/16 |
| Business Integration Platform [not available] (Shinka Technologies) [Full, Java, Visual Basic, C++] 1.3, 2001/08/01 |
| Microsoft SOAP toolkit (Microsoft) [Full, VB/C# | WinNT/2K] 2.0 SP2, 2001/06/21 |
| Visual Studio .NET (Microsoft) [Full, .NET | WinNT/2K/98/Me] ?, ? |
| .NET Framework SDK (Microsoft) [Full, .NET | WinNT/XP/2K/98/Me] 1.1, 2002/10/03 |
| Microsoft Web Services Development Kit (WSDK) (Microsoft) [Full, VB/C# | WinNT/2K] ?, 2002/08/26 |
| 4s4c (Simon Fell) [Server, COM | WinNT/2K] 1.3.8, 2002/03/02 |
| pocketSOAP (Simon Fell) [Client, COM? | Win9x/Me/NT/2K/Pocket] 1.3.7, 2002/08/19 |
| White Mesa (Robert Cunnings) [Full, C++ | COM | WinNT/2K] 2.7.2, 2002/07/28 |
| vbSOAP [not available] (Phalanx Systems) [?, VB6.0] 3.0, 2002/03/13 |
| SOAP component in IP*Works (Nsoftware) [Client, .NET/VB/VC++/Delphi/C++Builder | Win9x/NT] ?, ? |
| WebServer Tool [registration required] (Dart) [Full, VB/VC++/Delphi/C++Builder | COM | WinNT/2K] 1.6.0, ? |
| SOAP::Lite (Paul Kulchenko) [Full, Perl] 0.55, 2002/04/15 |
| DevelopMentor SOAP [abandoned] (DevelopMentor) [Full, Perl] 0.28, 2000/09/05 |
| PerlEx (ActiveState) [Server, Perl | WinNT/2K] 2.2.1, 2002/05/27 |
| Secret Labs SOAP [abandoned] (Secret Labs) [Full, Python] 0.8, 2000/06/21 |
| SOAP.py (Cayce Ullman) [Full, Python] 0.9.7, 2001/06/27 |
| SOAPy (Adam Elman) [Client, Python] 0.1, 2001/04/26 |
| ZSI: Zolera Soap Infrastructure (Zolera Systems, Rich Salz) [Full, Python] 1.3RC2, 2002/05/14 |
| Web Services for Zope (Zope Corporation, Brian Lloyd) [?, Python] 1.0a, 2001/10/30 |
| Lye -- COM to SOAP (Andrew Dalke) [Client, Python | COM clients] 0.1, 2000/09/14 |
| WASP for C++ [login required] (Systinet) [Full, C++] 4.0, 2002/09/01 |
| SimpleSOAP [not available] (Scott Seely) [Client, Visual C++] ?, 2001/01/13 |
| C++ Library for SOAP Client (SQLData) [Client, C++ | WinNT/2K] 2.0, 2000/12/10 |
| gSOAP (Robert van Engelen) [Full, C/C++] 2.1.10, 2002/10/14 |
| SQLData SOAP Server (SQLData) [Server, C++ | WinNT/2K] 3.01, 2001/01/25 |
| EasySOAP (David Crowley) [Client, C++ | Linux/WinNT/2K/POSIX] 0.6.1, 2002/06/10 |
| eSOAP (Rosimildo da Silva ) [Full, C++ | Linux/Windows/RTEMS/eCos] 1.0, 2001/10/18 |
| SOUP [abandoned?] (Ximian) [Full, C | Linux/Windows] 0.2, 2001/05/22 |
| XMLRPC-EPI (Dan Libby) [Full, C | Linux] 0.50, 2001/09/26 |
| OpenSOAP (OpenSOAP project) [Full, C] 1.0-20030110, 2003/01/10 |
| SOAP to CORBA bridge (LifeLine Networks bv) [Full?, C++ | Linux/WinNT/2K] 2.0.5, 2001/10/15 |
| Web Services for Mac OS (Apple) [Client, AppleScript | Mac OS X] 10.1, ? |
| SOAP toolkit LITE [registration required] (Lucin) [Full, ? | Windows 95/98/NT/2000] 2.3.0, 2000/09/18 |
| SOAP for Frontier (UserLand) [Full, Frontier] ?, ? |
| SOAP for Ada (Michael Erdmann) [Full, GNU Ada | Linux SuSe] 0.1.5, 2002/10/03 |
| anyService (Chris Bayes) [Client, JavaScript/XSLT | Win | IE/HTA] 0.3, 2001/05/15 |
| SOAP client for IE 5.0 [not available] (Aaron Skonnard) [Client, JavaScript | Win | IE] ?, 2000/01 |
| WebService Behavior (SOAP client for IE 5 and later) [not supported] (Microsoft) [Client, DHTML | Win | IE | HTC] 2.01, ? |
| XML Extras with SOAP (mozilla.org) [Client, JavaScript | Win | Mozilla] ?, 2000/12/28 |
| Spray for Dolphin Smalltalk (Steve Waring) [Full, Smalltalk] 0.5, 2001/11/16 |
| SOAP Smalltalk (Camp Smalltalk) [Client, Smalltalk] ?, 2000/10/03 |
| VW Opentalk SOAP (Cincom Systems) [Full, Smalltalk] 1.0, 2002/07/01 |
| SOAP4R (Nakamura Hiroshi) [Full, Ruby] 1.4.7, 2002/09/20 |
| PHPSOAP [not available] (GigaIdeas) [Full, PHP] ?, ? |
| NuSOAP (SOAPx4) (Dietrich Ayala) [Full, PHP] 0.6.1, 2002/04/29 |
| SOAP server class [not available] (Manuel Lemos) [Server, PHP] ?, 2001/06/09 |
| phpXMLP [abandoned?] (phpApp.org) [Full, PHP] 0.10, 2001/08/19 |
| PHP-SOAP (Brad LaFountain) [Full?, PHP] 0.1.1, 2002/05/02 |
| PEAR-SOAP (PEAR development team) [Full, PHP] 1.0b1, 2002/10/12 |
| eZ soap (eZ systems as ) [Full, PHP] 2.9-1, 2002/05/31 |
| Oracle9i Application Server (Oracle) [Server, ?] R2, ? |
| Kafka Framework (Christopher Dix) [Server, XSLT] 0.9, 2001/04/05 |
| SOAP for Tcl (Pat Thoyts) [Client, Tcl] 1.6.5, 2002/09/22 |
| NSSOAP for AOLserver [abandoned?] (Lee Teague) [Client, C, Tcl] Not released yet |
| Web services in ColdFusion (Macromedia) [?, ColdFusion] MX, ? |
| webMethods Enterprise Web Services [registration required] (webMethods) [Full, - | Linux/Solaris/HP-UX/WindowsNT/2K] 4.6 SP2, 2002/10/16 |
| MOO SOAP (Rob Sanderson) [Full?, MOO] 0.75, 2002/06/13 |
| Virtuoso (Openlink) [Full, ? | Windows/Linux/Solaris] 2.5, ? |
| Pure SOAP (Pure Software Technology) [Full, Delphi] 0.0.4, 2001/01/28 |
| Delphi 7 Studio (Borland) [Full, Delphi] 7.0, ? |
| wwSOAP (West Wind Technologies) [Full?, Visual FoxPro] 2.0, 2001/09/08 |
| SoapOpera (SOAP-HTTP ORB) (Masashi Umezawa) [?, SqueakSmalltalk] 0.5beta4, 2002/10/09 |
| SOAP taglib [not available] (Ulrich Mayring) [Client, XSP/taglib | Cocoon?] ?, 2001/04/05 |